Your safety is our priority. Here are the changes that CHARM DENTAL CLINIC are implementing to ensure your safety and comfort while looking out for you and your oral health
1. Our doors may be locked, so only expected patients can enter. During this pandemic, it is very important that we minimize people traffic around our clinic to prevent spread and unnecessary contamination of surfaces.
Having said that, NO WALK-IN PATIENTS are allowed as of this time. To schedule an appointment please CLICK HERE.
2. We’re contacting all patients to check they feel well. Nobody with any of COVID-19 can come to the clinic. In the PATIENT RESOURCES.
section of our website, ALL patients with an appointment should fill out all the forms carefully especially the COVID-19 DENTAL SCREENING FORM and COVID-19 CONSENT FORM. This is to ensure that all patients are screened for COVID-19 risk prior to going into the clinic.
3. Arrive alone and on time (rather than early to minimise your time in the waiting room. Each patient will be appointed a strict block of time so that no patients will overlap during their appointed schedule. This is to ensure physical social distancing and measures of disinfection before and after seeing a patient.
1. Protective barrier at reception. We will also ask you to leave your shoes outside the clinic, a foot cover will be provided for you
2. Sanitise your hands on arrival
3. A member of staff may take your temperature
4. You may be asked to wear a protective face mask and shoe covers and to put your belongings in a clean bag
5. Waiting room reorganised for social distancing. It is cleaned frequently and anything that isn't easy to disinfect has been removed